Facilitated Stretching: Foundations of PNF & MET to Promote Flexibility Fast


Course Description

Course Description:

With the time spent working and using technology, who has time to stretch these days? As people become less active and time marches on, the body tends to stiffen, resulting in reduced flexibility, painful movements and limited functional performance. Specialized stretching techniques make it easy to restore mobility and function using reflexes, with muscle energy/PNF. This course reviews how flexibility is measured, muscle reflexes, and types of muscle contractions used to trick the body into allowing greater degrees of range of motion using neuromotor reflexes. Using reciprocal inhibition, post-isometric relaxation and other reflexes can facilitate the stretching process and improve flexibility. Examples of muscle energy stretches are illustrated with guidelines for clinical use to improve functional mobility.

Contact Hours: 3
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced